

    Latin Name: Trichocereus Macrogonus. Echinopsis Macrogonus

    Origin: Possibly Bolivia or Argentina.

    Hardiness: Hardy down to -9 for short periods if kept dry

    Growth Characteristics: Columnar Cactus. Bluish-green in colour with groups of rigid spines along the ribs. Nocturnal large white flowers. Some say Trichocereus macrogonus is an alternative name for some forms of Trichocereus peruvianus.

    Sun: Full sun/partial shade.

    Exposure: Exposed/sheltered.

    Soil: Well drained soil. Gritty.

    Moisture: Water around every 10-14 days. Allow to dry between waterings. Keep dry in winter.

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    Trichocereus Macrogonus Cacti.
    The Trichocereus Macrogonus is a columnar variety of cacti with a shrubby habit very similar to the Trichocereus Peruvianus. Frosty blue-green in colour, it has 6-9 prominent ribs. Each areole usually contains between 1-3 central spines up to 10cm long and 6-9 radial spines which are dark brown, black or grey in colour. However new spines can be yellow.

    This Cactus is a night flowering species with large white flowers appearing near the top of the stems which can reach sizes of up to 18cm.


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