

    Latin Name: Euphorbia Marmorata.

    Common Name: Euphorbia Ingens Variegata. Candelabra Tree, Cowboy Cactus, Cactus Euphorbia, Good Luck Cactus.

    Origin: South and East Mexico.

    Hardiness: Frost tender. Indoor in the UK

    Growth Characteristics:  Tall upright succulent tree, pale green-yellow in colour with dark green variegation. Cactus-like segmented arms come from a single trunk. 4-5 vertical ridges with small spines on the edges. Small greenish-yellow flowers on the ridges of the top most segment. Fruit is a 3 lobed capsule turn red/purple when ripe. Milky sap which can be an irritant. Require little maintenance

    Sun: Full sun/partial shade.

    Exposure: Sheltered. Houseplant in the UK

    Soil: Well drained soil. Gritty.

    Moisture: Water during growing season. Allow to dry between waterings. Keep dry in winter.

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    Euphorbia Marmorata. Candelabra Tree.
    The Euphorbia Marmorata is a very striking but quite strange fast growing upright succulent tree. Very pale green-yellow in colour with dark green varigation the cactus-like segmented arms grow and branch from a single thick trunk. Each has 4-5 vertical ridges with small spines running along them. Small greenish-yellow flowers sit on the uppermost segment of each branch from autumn to winter. The fruit is a round 3 lobed capsule turning red/purple when ripe. Capable of reaching heights of 12m in it’s natural habitat.

    Be aware of it’s milky sap which can be an irritant to eyes and mucous membranes.


    10L/90-100cm/branched, 30L/7-7.5ft/singl, 30L/8-9ft/branched


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