ESPOSTOA NANA. Dwarf Old Man Cactus.



    Latin Name: Espostoa Nana.

    Common Name: Dwarf Old Man Cactus.

    Origin: Peru. Western South America. Southern America.

    Hardiness: Down to -10 if kept dry in Winter.

    Growth Characteristics:  Evergreen columnar Cactus densley covered in white hairs. Cylindrical stems have around 16 rounded ribs. Closely packed areoles, each with 30 thin radial spines almost hidden by the hair and a single central spine protruding through it. Will branch from the base. Funnel shaped nocturnal flowers. Easy to grow.

    Sun: Full sun.

    Exposure: Sheltered.

    Soil: Well drained soil. Gritty.

    Moisture: Water more in summer and during growing period. Allow to dry between waterings. This cacti needs a little more water than most other varieties. Keep dry in winter.

    Feed: Feed half strength fertilizer at the beginningof the growing season.

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    Espostoa Nana Cactus. Dwarf Old Man Cactus.
    The Espostoa Nana Cactus is a very decorative variety of cacti with greyish-green columnar stems having a dense covering of fine white-grey hairs especially at the top. This acts as a woolly coat when growing in its native habitat at high altitudes. The stems, which branch from the base have around 16 rounded ribs with oval shaped areoles closely set. Many needle like radial spines are almost concealed by the hair, the one central spine protrudes through it although this can be variable.

    When mature enough cactus will produce funnel shaped flowers, opening during the night  measuring up to 6cms long.


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