CYATHEA TOMENTOSISSIMA ‘Highland Lace’. Dwarf Wooley Tree Fern.


Cyathea Tomentosissima ‘Highland Lace’ Tree Ferns. Dwarf Wooley Tree Ferns.

The Cyathea Tomentosissima Tree Fern is a beautiful compact form of Tree Fern with an ultimate size of up to 8ft and fronds of up to 4ft. It grows at high elevations in the cool mountain cloudforests of New Guinea. Very slow growing, as the trunk matures and the croziers get thicker they become completely covered in reddish coloured hairs.

Prefering a shady spot spot, but if planted in a sunny position, it will need more water. It is one of the most drought tolerant species of ferns and very rare in production. Hardy down to around -3 degrees for short periods when mature, it will usually need protection during winter but as it grows well indoors, if provided with light and a cooler position, such as a conservatory or greenhouse it can be brought inside and then summered outside if desired.

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      Latin Name: Cyathea Tomentossissima. Cyathea ‘Highland Lace’.

      Common Name: Dwarf Wooley Tree Fern, Australian Tree Fern. Dwarf Tree Fern.

      Origin: Highlands of New Guinea.

      Hardiness: -3 degrees when mature.

      Growth: Amazingly beautiful. Very Rare in production. Slow growing. Ultimate size about 8ft. 4ft fronds. Croziers covered in reddish coloured hairs when mature. Will grow indoors well in pots and containers.

      Sun: Partial shade.

      Exposure: Sheltered.

      Soil: requires good drainage.

      Moisture: Water regularly in Summer. Less in winter.

      Feed: Feed regularly with Tree Fern feed throughout the summer starting around May.



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