Latin Name: Zamia Floridana

    Common Name: Coontie Palm, Florida Arrow Root.

    Native to: United States

    Hardiness: Hardy to around -6 or lower.

    Growth Characteristics: Slow growing with a clumping habit. Rosettes of stiff pinnate leathery leaves, glossy green in colour coming from a large underground storage root. Evergreen. Salt tolerant.

    Sunlight: Shade/partial sun.

    Exposure: Sheltered.

    Soil: Well drained. Fertile.

    Moisture: Water freely during growing season. Less in winter.

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    Zamia Floridana. Coontie Palm.
    The Zamia Floridana is a cycad which is commonly mistaken for a palm or fern. It has a unique clumping growth habit. Evergreen rosettes of dark green, glossy, pinnate leaves, leathery in texture come from a large underground storage root which can branch each year. Once mature it can often produce two flushes of leaves during a year.

    Often refered to by it’s common name the Coontie Palm it is rare in the wild and the only Cycad native to North America.
    This very showy tropical looking cycad is slow growing, and rarely gets above 3ft in height. It is very happy growing in containers as well as the ground and prefers partial sunshine and shade rather than full sun.

    Very Rare to find for sale.



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