
  • YUCCA FILIFERA ‘AUSTRALIS’. Multi trunk. Info.

    Latin Name: Yucca Filifera ‘Australis’

    Common Name: Palma China, St Peter’s Palm

    Native to: Central Mexico.

    Hardiness: Hardy down to -10 degrees.

    Growth Characteristics: Fast growing and usually single trunked, although branching can occur. Olive/green rigid foliage covered with attractive curled threads, arranged in an attractive rosette. Multi trunk.

    Sunlight: Full sun/partial shade.

    Exposure: Exposed.

    Soil: Well drained soil. Gritty.

    Moisture: Water sparingly. Keep dry in winter.

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    Multi Trunk Yucca Filifera.
    The Yucca Filifera ‘Australis’ is a beautiful, tall, relatively fast growing sculptural yucca. Perfect for providing a dramatic accent to your garden design, growing in a column shape.
    Cold tolerant, it is hardy to drought as well as cold when established, down to temperatures of -10 degrees. It’s olive/green leaves are extremely rigid with spikey tips. Arranged in an attractive symetrical rosettes, they are covered along their margins with attractive curled threads.
    These double trunk Yuccas are beautiful, very easy to keep and need minimal maintenance.


    10L/3.5-4.5ft/, 20L/5ft+/


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