

    Latin Name: Veitcha Merrilii.

    Common Name: Dwarf Royal Palm. Christmas Palm. Manila Palm. Adonida Palm.

    Native to: Palawan Island. Philappines. Northern Borneo.

    Hardiness: Frost tender. Keep above freezing temperatures.

    Growth Characteristics: Solitary smooth, grey coloured trunk. Long arching bright green pinnate leaves, leaflets having irregularly serrated tips and growing from the rachis in a ‘V’ shape. Usually between 12-14 leaves in the crown growing alternately from the compact crownshaft. Easy to grow. Overall height at maturity between 2.5-3m.

    Sunlight: Partial shade when young. Full sun when more mature.

    Exposure: Sheltered.

    Soil: Rich, sandy. Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water regularly. Keep consistently moist although not waterlogged.

    Feeding: Feed a balanced palm specific fertilizer during the active growing season.

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    Veitchia Merrilii. Dwarf Royal Palm.
    The Veitchia Merrilii is a spectacular looking small to medium sized palm reaching between 2.5 and 3m resembling a dwarf version of the Roystonia Regia Palm. The smooth solitary trunk is slender but slightly swollen at the base, grey in colour with old leaf scars present. Between 12-14 bright green gracefully arched leaves grow alternately from the neat crownshaft making a very symmetrical crown. Leaflets have irregularly serrated edges and grow from the rachis at an angle producing a ‘V’ shape. Its common name of the ‘Christmas Palm’ refers to the large bunches  of fruit turning a glossy brilliant red around December time reminiscent of ornaments on a Christmas Tree.

    Slow growing, this palm is very majestic and tropical looking and adapts well to growing indoors or on a patio or terrace through Summer. A great one for the collectors


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