

    Latin Name: Trichocereus Huascha

    Common Name: Red Torch Cactus, Desert’s Blooming Jewel

    Origin: Northern Mexico Argentina.

    Hardiness: -3 for short periods but better kept frost free .

    Growth Characteristics:  Clumping Columnar Cactus. Branches freely from the base. Light green in colour with 12-18 ribs. Generally 1-3 central spines with 9-11 radials.Large flowers, variable in colour yellow-red. Easy to grow.

    Sun: Full sun.

    Exposure: Sheltered.

    Soil:Fertile. Well drained soil. Gritty.

    Moisture: Water more in summer and during growing period. Allow to dry between waterings. Do not allow to sit in water. Keep dry in winter.

    Feeding: Feed once a month during growing season with half strenght fertilizer

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    Trichocereus Huascha Cactus. Red Torch Cactus.
    The Trichocereus Huascha Cactus is a very decorative clumping variety of cacti. Stout stems light green in colour with 12-18 rounded ribs branch freely from the base. Each areole contains 1-3 central spines wich are slightly thicker than the 9-11 radial ones.

    Large funnel shaped flowers are variable in colour from yellow to orange to dark red and are  around 10cm long, clustering near the apex of the stems and opening through the day.

    Perfect for Cacti enthusiasts.


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