

    Latin Name: Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Moonshine’.

    Common Name:  Silver Snake Plant. Viper’s Bowstring Hemp. Mother-In Law’s Tongue

    Native to: West Africa.

    Hardiness: Frost tender. Best kept between 15-23 degrees but can take 10 degrees for a short time. Extremely drought and draught tolerant.

    Growth: Broad stiff upright leaves silvery grey-green in colour with dark green margins and faint horizontal lines. Slow growing. Air purifying plant. Can be put outside during warmer months. Will tolerate neglect. Mildly toxic if ingested.

    Sun: Bright indirect light but will tolerate some shade.

    Exposure: Houseplant.

    Soil: Well drained.

    Moisture: Water sparsely. Allow to dry between waterings. Do not allow to sit in water.

    Feeding: Feed a weak dose of cactus or general purpose fertilizer once a month during the growing season.

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    Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Moonshine’. Silver Snake Plant.
    The Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Moonshine’ is a relatively new stunning structural houseplant. Broad stiff upright leaves of pale silver greyish green (almost pearlescent) have dark green margins and faint horizontal lines. A very elegant and contemporary looking plant is is not only very easy to look after, it helps purify the air as it absorbs airbourne toxins and expels oxygen. Very slow growing it will not need repotting very often and will grow quite happily in sunshine or shade while withstanding dry air draughts and drought.


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