

    Latin Name: Quisqualis Indica.

    Common Name: Rangoon Creeper. Akar Dani. Drunken Sailor. Irangan Malli. Udani.

    Origin: Asia.

    Hardiness: Best kept frost free. Will defoliate in a light frost

    Growth Characteristics: Fast growing creeper vine. Clusters of fragrant white flowers which turn pink then red as they mature produced successively through summer. Glossy bright green lance shaped leaves. Easy to grow .

    Sunlight: Full sun/partial sun.

    Exposure: Sheltered.

    Soil: Not fussy as long as it is well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water regularly through summer, less in winter. Allow surface to dry between waterings.

    Feeding: feed monthly in growing season but avoid high nitrogen feeds as these just promote foliage.

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    Quisqualis Indica. Rangoon Creeper. 

    Quisqualis Indica a fast growing climbing vine with clusters of beautifully fragrant very pretty tubular shaped flowers. Opening white they mature to pink and end up a red colour which contrast beautifully against the glossy bright green lance shaped leaves. The vines bloom from Spring all the way through Summer.

    This attractive climber is great for covering walls and trellises in courtyards and city gardens as well as making great container plants for patios, conservatories and greenhouses. The rangoon creeper will defoliate in a light frost but will usually grow back from the roots.


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