

    Latin Name: Philodendron Bipinnatifidum. Philodendron Selloum.

    Common Name: Horsehead Philodendron. lacy Tree Philodendron. Tree Philodendron. ‘Hope’ Houseplant. Philodendron ‘Hope’.

    Origin: South America.

    Hardiness: Protect from frost. Indoor Plant

    Growth Characteristics: Evergreen. Can grow to 5ft wide. Large attractive glossy green deeply lobed leaves with a drooping habit can be over 2ft long. Easy to care for. Harmful if ingested. Can take a little frost but above ground foliage and trunk will die back and will shoot from the roots the following spring.

    Sunlight: Bright Indirect sun light.

    Exposure: Indoor House Plant.

    Soil: Rich. Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water well through the growing season but allow the top half of the soil to dry before re-watering. Barely moist in winter. Mist occasionally. Do not let sit in water.

    Feeding: Feed once a month through summer with half strength liquid feed.

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    Philodendron Bipinnatifidum. Horsehead Philodendron.  

    The Philodendron Bipinnatifidum is native to South America and can be grown in the UK as a very ornamental and decorative houseplant. Its eventually spread may be up to 5ft wide, with lush glossy dark green leaves which can be over 2ft long and densely lobed. This philodendron does grow a trunk as it matures but is usually hidden by the drooping habit of the huge leaves.

    Relatively fast growing this lush tropical looking plant is easy to care and brings a piece of the jungle indoors, whilst also helping with air purifying as it filters out airbourne toxins. Can be placed outside during summer.


    10L/2.5-3.5ft/, 15L/3.5-4ft+/, 25-30L/4-4.5ft/


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