

    Latin Name: Opuntia Inermis.

    Common Name:  Southern Spineless Cactus.

    Origin: South Eastern States of the USA.

    Hardiness: Hardy down to -18.

    Growth Characteristics: Very easy to grow. Branching cactus. Grey-green, flat oval or elongated shaped pads. No spines present, only short glochids. Require little maintenance. Flowers are yellow followed by pear shaped fruit. Tolerant of wet conditions if grown in fast draining soil/substrate.

    Sun: Full sun.

    Exposure: Exposed.

    Soil: Well drained soil. Gritty.

    Moisture: Water monthly. Keep dry in winter.

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    Opuntia Inermis Cactus.
    The Opuntia Inermis is a shrubby and spreading variety of cacti with greyish-green pads. The pads can be rounded or elongated, having numerous brownish areoles. The short glochids can be seen more clearly on the new pads. Yellow coloured flowers are produced through summer. Very easy to keep, great for growing in pots, needs minimal maintenance.  Very attractive and durable.


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