MUSELLA LASIOCARPA. Golden Lotus Banana.



    Latin Name: Musella Lasiocarpa. Ensete Lasiocarpum

    Common Name: Chinese Yellow Banana, Golden Lotus Banana, Chinese Dwarf Banana.

    Origin: Yunnan, South China

    Hardiness: Root hardy. -10 with protection.

    Growth: Fast growing. Rarely exceeds 2m tall. Exotic paddle-shaped leaves, lush green in colour. Spectacular, large bright yellow flower, lasting up to 6 months. No edible bananas. Easy to grow.

    Sun: Full sun/partial shade.

    Exposure: Sheltered.

    Soil: Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water well in summer.

    Feed: Feed weekly in the growing season with high nitrogen feed.

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    Musella Lasiocarpa. Golden Lotus Banana.

    The Musella Lasiocarpa brings an amazing tropical feeling to your garden. Huge exotic paddle shaped leaves, lush green in colour give an instant impact and a sense of the jungle. Once mature the largest stem produces a large spectacular bright yellow flower that resembles a lotus flower lasting up to 6 months. Rarely exceeds 2m tall so great for the smaller gardens too. Suckers freely.


    35L/5ft-6ft.., 6L/2.5-3ft.., 6L/4.5-5ft..


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