

Latin Name: Livistona Mariae.

Common Name: Red Cabbage Palm. Central Australian Fan Palm.

Origin: Southern regions of the Northern Territory of Australia.

Hardiness: -3/-4 degrees when mature.  Will ideally need winter protection.

Growth: Evergreen. 30-50 large, glossy fan shaped leaves deeply split which gracefully droop downwards at the tips and waxy on the undersides. Solitary trunked. Young palms have an intense red colour when grown in full sun disappearing before the palm forms a trunk. Tolerates drought once established.

Sun: Full sun.

Exposure: Sheltered. Can be grown indoors in a well lit position.

Soil: Adapts to various soils if well drained.

Moisture: Water moderately in the growing season, less in winter.

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    Livistona Mariae. Red Cabbage Palm.
    The Livistona Mariae is a stylish and elegant palm. A solitary trunked palm where in young palms the trunk is covered in a dense mass of dark brown fibres and the mature palms have a deep-light grey trunk with closely set leaf scar rings. It has an amazing dense crown of between 30-50 nearly circular glossy green leaves, waxy on their undersides, with their leaflets drooping gracefully downwards at the tips. Marginal thorns are present on the petioles. This beautiful palm has a unique characteristic, the young palms have an intense red colour when grown in full sun hence, it’s name of the Red Cabbage Palm. The colour gradually disappears before the plant forms a trunk.
    Not greatly hardy it needs a sheltered spot and will require protection during winter. It can be grown indoors if given a brightly lit position.



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