KALANCHOE BEHARENSIS. Velvet Elephant’s Ear.



    Latin Name: Kalanchoe Beharensis.

    Common Name: Elephant’s Ear Kalanchoe. Felt Bush. Velvet Leaf. Velvet Elephant Ear

    Native to: Madagasgar.

    Hardiness: Frost tender. Can take -2 for very short periods, but prefers to be warmer.

    Growth: Succulent tree-like shrub. Large silvery-green triangular shaped leaves crimped at the edges are covered in dense felt-like hair. Produces offsets from the base of the main stem. Tolerates neglect.

    Sunlight: Full sun/partial shade.

    Exposure: Sheltered.

    Soil: Well drained. Cactus soil.

    Moisture: Water sparingly. Let dry before re-watering. Hardly water at all in winter

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    Kalanchoe Beharensis. Velvet Elephant’s Ear.
    The Kalanchoe Beharensis is a very strange and attractive bushy succulent shrub. Long stalks hold large triangular shaped leaves, pale silvery-green in colour which are covered in dense felt-like hairs giving a soft velvety


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