HANGING CACTUS. 4 mixed variety plants.84.95Price



    Hardiness: Better kept above 5 degrees.

    Growth Characteristics:  Hanging cactus. Evergreen. Long rope-like stems variable in length which may branch at the base. Epiphytic plants. Require little maintenance. Long lived. Many are spineless.

    Sun: Partial sun. Bright filtered light.

    Exposure: Indoor Houseplant. Can be moved outside into filtered light (not direct sunshine) through summer.

    Soil: Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water during growing season. Allow to dry between waterings. When top 0.5 inch of soil is dry then water. Needs a little more water than regular cacti. Can mist leaves to provide a little humidity.

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    Hanging Cactus. 4 Plants with 4 mixed varieties.

    Perfect for providing a dramatic accent to your house or office and very ‘on trend’ at the moment, the following cactus plants are present in this listing. Box mix is nursery’s choice.
    Selenicereus Validus Cactus

    Rhipsalis Capilliformis 

    Rhipsalis Burchellii 

    Rhipsalis Roseana

    Rhipsalis Pilocarpa

    Rhipsalis Baccifera Heteroclada

    Lepsimium Cruciformis

    Disocactus Pillocarpa

    Rhipsalis Baccifera Shaferi

    Aporocactus Sussex Flame

    Epiphyllum Pumilum

    Selenicereus Anthonyanus

    These types of cacti are Epiphytic, meaning in habitat they grow in trees or on rocks, getting their nutrients from the air or dead leaves and other debris collected in the cracks or crevasses.

    Very easy to keep needing minimal maintenance.


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