

    Latin Name: Olea European.

    Common Name: European Olive.

    Common Spanish Cultivars: Hojiblanca.

    Native: Mediterranean Europe.

    Hardiness: Hardy down to -15 degrees

    Growth: Easy to grow. An evergreen ornamental tree with a large crown of small dark green leathery leaves with silvery undersides. Very gnarly trunks.

    Sun: Full sun.

    Soil: well drained soil.

    Water: Water regularly during the warmer months especially if in a pot. Avoid waterlogging.

    Feeding: Feed with a balanced liquid Olive Feed such as ‘Olive Focus’ twice a month during the growing period.

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    Gnarled Olive Trees. Hojiblanca.

    These incredibly beautiful Mature Olive Trees  have really gnarly trunks, each one totally unique.  Each tree has a large beautiful crown of dark green leaves with the undersides appearing a lighter silvery green. Quite a vigorous grower it is also a variety that stands upm to the cold well.  Perfect as an ornamental, evergreen tree, it can be left natural or pruned to keep it within it’s space limits. All hand-picked by ourselves, they are a real statement tree.

    Gnarled Olive Tree instantly brings a piece of the Mediterranean to your garden. It has become increasingly popular in the UK as it can tolerate temperatures down to -15 degrees and is very wind resistant, but if you would like fruit, a sunny spot is better. It has been grown in the Mediterranean for centuries for oil and fruit production.


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