

    Latin Name: Ficus Maclellandii Alii.

    Common Name:Long Leaf Fig, Narrow Leaf Fig.

    Origin: South East Asia.

    Hardiness: Protect from frost and drafts.

    Growth Characteristics: Evergreen tree. Long narrow dark green leaves. Easy to care for. Turn plant regularly to avoid it leaning towards light source. Air purifying plant. Graceful arching stems. Prune to maintain height.

    Sunlight: Bright indirect light. Can cope with lower light conditions.

    Exposure: Indoor houseplant.

    Soil: Rich. Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Keep moist but do not overwater. Allow top inch of soil to dry before re-watering. Mist leaves occasionally.

    Feeding: Feed once a month through summer with a half strength liquid feed.

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    FICUS MACLELLANDII ALII | Long Leafed Fig Plant. 8ft tall.

    The Ficus Maclellandii Alii, commonly known as the Long Leaf Fig is native to South East Asia but in the UK is grown as a very elegant and modern looking low maintenance houseplant. A relatively new cultivar it has long slender graceful leaves that taper to a point. FICUS MACLELLANDII ALII | Long Leafed Fig Plant.

    An effective plant for filtering and improving air quality, this very large and graceful plant provides a bold statement in either office or home. Easy to care for, liking bright indirect light but coping relatively well with lower light conditions and even withstanding a certain amount of neglect. More robust than some of the other small leaved ficus varieties. Please be aware the sap can be an irritant. we also have palm trees in stock.


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