

    Latin Name: Echinopsis Bertramiana, Echinopsis Tarijensis subs. Bertramiana

    Common Name: Hedgehog Cactus, Sea Urchin Cactus.

    Origin: Bolivia.

    Hardiness: Frost tender.

    Growth Characteristics: Slow growing tall Columnar Cactus. Branching occurs. Pale green stems with up to 25 ribs. Strong stiff slightly curved spines. Diurnal large creamy-white flowers when mature. Low maintenance.

    Sun: Full sun/partial shade.

    Exposure: Exposed/sheltered.

    Soil: Fast draining soil. Gritty.

    Moisture: Water around every 14 days. Allow to dry between waterings. Keep dry in winter.

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    Echinopsis Bertramiana Cacti.
    The Echinopsis Bertramiana is a slow growing columnar variety of cacti. Pale green stems have around 25 ribs with closely spaced grey felted areoles. Slightly curved yellow to white spines are strong and stiff, being thicker at the base. Usually around 1-4 central spines and between 10-50 radial, however these can be missing in older stems.

    Flowering when mature, this Cactus is a diurnal flowering species and has large funnel flowers creamy-white in colour and up to 12cm long appearing near the end of the stems.


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