DRACAENA COMPACTA | Compact Dragon Tree



    Latin Name: Dracaena Compacta’, Dracaena Fragrans Compacta.

    Common Name: Compact Dragon Tree.

    Origin: South East Africa.

    Hardiness: Protect from frost.

    Growth Characteristics: Evergreen tree. Compact rosettes of dark green short lance shaped leaves. Easy to care for. Average growth rate. Rotage occasionally to prevent the plant becoming one sided

    Sunlight: Light shade.

    Exposure: Indoor Houseplant.

    Soil: Rich. Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water regularly through the growing season, less in winter. Mist  leaves regularly. Allow the soil to almost dry before re-watering

    Feeding: Feed once every 1-2 months through summer with a half strength liquid feed.

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    Dracaena Compacta | Compact Dragon Tree

    The Dracaena Compacta, also known as the Compact Dragon Tree, is a striking evergreen tree originating from South East Asia, commonly cultivated as a houseplant in the AU. Featuring short, dark green lance-shaped leaves measuring 2-4 inches in length, arranged in a compact rosette formation atop thick stems, this stylish plant is an ideal choice for modern homes, offices, or apartments, especially where space is limited. Dracaena Compacta | Compact Dragon Tree

    Easy to care for, these plants not only bring a touch of the jungle indoors plants but also contribute to air purification. During the summer months, they can even be placed outside to thrive in the fresh air.

    The distinctive leaf blades of the Dragon Tree, shooting off in various directions, lend it a refreshing appearance complemented by the vibrant green color of its leaves. Also known as the Song of India, the Dracaena Marginata is a tropical tree that thrives in sunlight but can also tolerate shade. Its unique combination of green, lime, and purple leaves adds charm to any home decor.

    Tall and slender by nature, the Compact Dragon Tree effortlessly fits into any room corner or hallway, welcoming guests to your tropical oasis. Purchase this exotic indoor plant online and have it delivered directly to your doorstep.

    Enhance the allure of your Dragon Plant by pairing it with a beautiful ceramic pot, simply select your desired variation and nursery pot size with just a click.


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