
  • DASYLIRION WHEELERI. Variegated. Info.

    Latin Name: Dasylirion Wheeleri.

    Common Name: Desert spoon Yucca, Wheeler’s Sotol

    Native to: North Western Mexico, South Eastern USA.

    Hardiness: Hardy down to -15 degrees.

    Growth Characteristics: Slow growing, evergreen. Long, thin strap like leaves with a broad cream stripe running down the centre arranged perfectly symmetrically. Serrated margins.  Related to the Yucca and Agave. Tolerates coastal positions and drought.

    Sunlight: Full sun/partial shade.

    Exposure: Wind, salt and drought tolerant.

    Soil: Well drained soil. Gritty

    Moisture: Water sparingly. do not water in winter.

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    Dasylirion Wheeleri. Varigated
    Extremely rare this Dasylirion Wheeleri is variegated with a broad stripe of cream running down its leaves. It is a very architectural plant and ideal for adding dramatic accent to your garden design.
    Slow growing usually with stiff, thin, only blue grey strap-like leaves which have serrated edges and are arranged perfectly in attractive symetrical rosettes. As it matures it forms a trunk. Related to the Yucca and Agave it is tolerant of windy and coastal positions and extremely hardy.
    This is a exceptionally beautiful and imposing plant when mature, but easy to maintain.



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