CEDRUS DEODARA ‘FEELIN’ BLUE’ Pom Pom Tree.. Blue Deodar Cedar.


CEDRUS DEODARA ‘Feelin’ Blue’. Info

Latin Name: Cedrus Deodara ‘Feelin’ Blue’. Deodara ‘Feelin’ Blue.

Common Name: Blue Cedar. Himalayan Cedar ‘Feelin’ Blue’.

Origin: The Netherlands.

Hardiness: -20 or lower.

Growth:  Evergreen. Slow growing, elegant, Pom Pom topiary. Dense, silver-blue soft slender needles. Foliage beautifully weeping. Excellent container plant.

Sun: Full sun.

Exposure: Exposed/Sheltered

Soil: Any. Well drained

Moisture: Water regularly. Keep moist. Once established will tolerate drought.

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    Cedrus Deodara ‘Feelin’ Blue. Blue Cedar Pom Pom Topiary.
    These impressive Pom Pom topiary are fashioned from the Cedrus Deodara ‘Feelin’ Blue’. These trees are very unique, as it is usually grown as used as ground cover but these eye-catching specimens have been grown into pom pom topiary trees.

    Evergreen with beautiful weeping dense silver-blue slender soft needles, it is perfectly hardy anywhere in the UK, low maintenance and easy to grow. A light trim once a year will keep it’s elegant form.

    A superb specimen tree which gives a striking effect equally suited to growing in the open ground or in planters.


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